personal trainer nutrition guide vegetables

Nutrition and Good Diet

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Much like an effective Personal Trainer or Health Coach. We need to really examine your life, your habits, your needs and wants. We can’t stick you on a diet of rabbit food, when your lifestyle revolves around good food and great friends.
A good diet is both flexible, sustainable and purposeful. Allowing you to enjoy the good days that are numbered on this earth.
A good diet works from the inside out, cleaning your skin, strengthening your hair, your nails, whitening your eyes, and leaving full of energy and clarity.

There are hundreds of diets, and not any one diet will suit everyone. What works for you depends on your strengths and weaknesses.
I for example have a sweet tooth, but if the packet is in opened, I can resist (most of the time:)
I know I love a drink on the weekends, but can say no if I’m kept busy.

So we need to learn the most about you, this can be a great exercise for you to study yourself.
What are you willing to forgo for the goal, and what can’t you live with out.
What are your triggers and what’s your hormonal needs.

We all know we need to eat better and move more, but in a world with other priorities we need to find the best choices for you and your body to get you where you can be safe and happy for your healthiest you yet.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]