Daniel Lyttle - Personal Trainer Brisbane

The Lyttle Difference is officially in their 10th year as a Queensland small business.

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Experts say, that 80% of business’ fail in their first year! Of all small businesses’ 90% fail in first 5 years. Of the 10% left a further 90% fail in years 6-10.
I’m no math expert, but that tells me only 1 out of 100 small business’ make it to 10 years or more.
That’s not good odds. But I guess it does help weed out the not so good ones from the brilliant ones 😉

Well, I have the pleasure to announce The Lyttle Difference is officially in their 10th year as a Queensland small business.

10 years as a Health and Fitness professional helping the amazing people of Brisbane change their lives. Eat better, not just rabbit food, but actually creating sustainable, manageable and enjoyable food plans. Reminding them to drink more water and why. Helping them move both more often and better through Personal Training and our Remedial Therapies.

2004 -2005 was when I awoke to health, movement and positive thinking. In 2006 after studying Remedial Massage and Personal Training. I was fascinated with the body and how it worked. Not to mention the potential help I could share with other people.
Wanting to be the best one stop shop for attaining a pain free and healthy body, I continued my study on the side of running BootCamps, 1 on 1 Personal Training session, and Massages in between.
Some of the best courses I have studied are Chinese Medicine, Neuro Linguistics Programming, Kinesiology, and of course the real game changer was my 4 year apprenticeship at Performance Health Queensland learning Osteopathy in the Cranial Field.

I don’t have words to describe the experiences I have had. I have seen morbidly obsessed people loose 100’s of kilograms! I have seen depressed and self-conscious people gain vibrance and self worth. I have seen self abusers like drug addicts, food addicts, anorexia, bulimia and ‘cutters’ over come their fears and dependencies.
Chronic migraines, crippling back pain, and debilitating postures cured.
I have seen families falling apart from parents who give too much to their families and/or their jobs finally put them self first, then watch their life truly be wealthy and full of love.

I have a gift someone up above decided to give me.
Some say it’s my understanding of how the body works. Some say it’s my understanding of how the mind works. Some say it’s relating what seems impossible to become simple and habitual.

I think the best gift I have been given is being able to share the experience with people wanting and needing change. Sharing the tools I have learnt and developed that support my amazing clients into true long lasting results of better health, and better balance.
Watching their lives flourish is the true gift.

Life is so precious. IF you are lucky, you might have 80 years on this planet.
Don’t wast it being so sore you avoid movement.
Don’t waste it being so fat you can’t lead the way or take part.
Don’t waste it eating so strict you feel constantly deprived.
Don’t wast it being so unsure of yourself you never discovering your purpose or sharing it.
Don’t wast your life never really having lived.

The Lyttle Difference is not about eating rabbit food and exercising till your body aches.
Life and the time we have on this planet is precious.
The Lyttle Difference is about finding balance, so you can do what you want, when you want, with out restrictions like pain, mobility, fat, shortness of breath or self doubt.

I have seen the impossible become possible. Anything is possible when you know how. If you don’t know how, you hire someone who does know how to teach you.

the Lyttle Difference
in your day
That makes
the big difference
in your life.

[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]I will leave you with three of my favourite quotes.
-The first rule of first aid – Dr A.B.C – is Danger. This means look after yourself first. You can’t pour from an empty cup.

-First we make our habits, then our habits make us
What habits are you creating?

-Be good to yourself – You two will be together for a while ;)[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]